Next Steps

Thanks for reading through our website and we really hope you found it to be informative. We have a lot more information we would like to share with you about this fantastic opportunity...

Step 1
Download Your Prospectus

We have put together a very comprehensive prospectus that will give you a great deal of additional information and help you decide whether this exciting opportunity is the right opportunity for you. 

Fill out our contact information and answer our 8 mandatory questions below and we will email you a copy of the prospectus.

Step 2
We'll send you Informative Emails to Learn more...

You will also receive a string of informative emails that will give you further insights into the Groove Noise Franchise. We firmly believe that the more information you have the easier it is to make an informed decision and we do not intend to leave you with just half the picture.

You can opt out of the emails at anytime and you can also arrange an initial call with Spencer at anytime.

Step 3
Schedule a Call with Spencer

You can of course schedule a call or just pick up the phone and talk to Spencer Hickson at any time.

He is happy to answer all and any questions that you may have and we know you will have plenty so please don’t hesitate to book a call or ask For more information.

Step 4
Request Your Next Steps Document

Having spoken with Spencer and decided that you would like to progress further we will ask you to sign a Non Disclosure agreement and then send you our comprehensive next steps guide to becoming a Groove Noise Franchisee.


Access After Email Chain

Step 5
Meet with Spenser Hickson - Groove Noise CEO

Spencer’s industry knowledge and experience is unparalleled in the events industry. He would love the opportunity to meet and discuss how you would work in partnership together. He will be able and happy to answer all your detailed questions regarding all elements of the Franchise and the wider industry.

Congratulations You Are On Your Way…

Having spoken to myself you are now ready to proceed we arrange the 100% Unsecured Government Funding (if required), Discuss and Allocate Your Territory and send out a Franchise Agreement.

Remember you are never alone through this journey and we are here to help at every stage...

Spencer Hickson,
Groove Noise.

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